
 a.To login, first fill in your username, then password and then complete the capctha after hitting I am not a robot. Then click Login in to your account button.


b.Once you are logged in, you can see the dashboard which shows your crypto balances in different currencies.


c.Let us check the second menu bar at the top. This has 6 tabs which contain all the links to deposit and withdraw crypto coins here. The first tab is overview, which is the default user dashboard view in this site.

d.The next one is statistics,which shows the detailed user transactions. You can check all your transactions for every crypto coins individually.

e.Next we will check the  deposit tab, where you can get address to deposit your crypto coins from other sites to this wallet. Once you open this page, you will find an encrypted address line written below every crypto coin. You can copy all these address one by one and safely write/ save somewhere else. Remember to save exact address for each respective coin only. Else the deposit will not happen correctly. When you want to bring your crypto coins from some other site to this wallet, just copy and paste respective address for different coins. For example, to deposit bitcoin from some other site to this wallet, just copy the address written below the Bitcoin and paste the same in that other site’s withdrawal address space. The crypto coins will be transferred to this site automatically. Remember to repeat this when ever you want to bring your crypto coins here.

f. Now let us check the withdrawal tab. To withdraw your crypto coins from this site to any other exchange, you need to link the address first. To do that, just go to the withdrawal tab. Select the coin you want top withdraw. You can see a blue link just under the withdrawal address box. Click the blue link. You will be redirected to another page (Link address tab). Now you can copy the crypto coin address of the site where you want to transfer your coins to and paste in the box of Address here. Give any level name as per your wish. Select the coin for which you have pasted the address for. Now click on Link. Your address will be linked.

g.You can go to the withdrawal page again and select the coin you want to withdraw. Now you can see the link appearing in the box automatically. You can provide the amount you want to withdraw and hit the PLACE WITHDRAWAL button. You can opt for faster withdrawal by paying a bit more fees. But normal withdrawal is also fast and completed within a day.

h.Now let us see how you can earn from this site. Click on the Earn tab in the top menu bar and go to Paid to click tab.

i. You can see all available ads and how much you will get to visit the ad. 

j. Click on one advertisement to visit it. Just watch the timer in the top left corner. 


k.Once the timer ends,you will be asked to solve captcha.


l. After you solve the captcha correctly, the ad will open in a new tab. You can see it or simply close that tab.

m.You can repeat the same process and visit all the advertisements.

n. There are some other ways to earn, which you can checkout by clicking the tabs in the top menu bar.


o. You can exchange between the coins by clicking on the Trade tab and then click on Coin swap


p. Select the coin you want to exchange and fill in the the amount. Then select the coin to which you want to swap. The amount you will receive will be shown automatically. Now click on Make Exchange.

q. To logout from the site, go to the top right corner and click on the Logout tab from the drop down.

r. Start visiting ads and keep earning crypto coins.

To register with this site please revert back tobikalpajeebika.com dash board