1. Hello, and welcome. As usual this is a blog from Bikalpajeebika that brings you another avenue of alternate earning.
2. This blog talks about an online job / earning opportunity. A website that provides opportunity to earn online by viewing advertisements and completing small taska. This is also a crypto currency wallet ehere you can store your crypto coins and withdraw the same. You can deposit your crypto coins from other earning sites to this site and withdraw to any other wallet or exchange to encash them.
3. With the explosion of crypto coins, earning crypto coins are in demand now. This site works as a Crypto wallet as well as provides opportunities to earn crypto coins.
4. Earnings and Payment
a. Earning potential – If you work continuously here you can earn around $1 per month. Check SPM in your bikalpajeebika member’s dashboard for further details.
b. Payment currency – Crypto coins
c. Payment frequency – You can request payment anytime and get them instantly.
d. Payment threshold – No limit.
e. Best withdraw Option – The best way to withdraw your earnings is through any recognised crypto exchange.
5. Requirements
a. Investment required – ZERO. You have to pay nothing to start working and earning
b. Machines required – One desktop computer or laptop or an android mobile with internet connection.
c. Skills required – General computing / mobile internet operating skills and English knowledge (read, write and understand). Additionally youneed toknow to solve different captcha.
6. Working space
a. Work from home or anywhere in the world you find suitable. This site is an international site that allows participants from almost all countries.
b. Be your own boss, no reporting to anyone.
c. Flexible work timings – You can work anytime and for any number of hours you want. But for best results try to work atleast 15 minutes a day.
7. Name of the website – Faucetpay
a. This site is registered in Icelend.
b. It has been in action since 2019 till date.
8. Apply for the job
a. Open bikalpajeebika.com in your browser.
b. Login with your details and go to member dashboard.
c. Once you reach the member dash board, scroll down and find the available jobs list.
d. Then find the job id EOM0001.
e. Click on the Apply now link next to job id EOM0001.
f. It will take you to the detailed job description page.
g. Now click on CLICK HERE TO START button.
h. It will lead you to the website of Faucetpay.